
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Digital Citizenship - What Can I Share?

  Hey readers! This week, in Digital Citizenship, we made a D.L.O about what we can share on the internet. The target audience for this D.L.O are year 4's who will be new to this sort of thing next year 😁, to show them what they can share on the internet and what they can't. In Digital Citizenship, we have also been learning about SISOMO (SIght, SOund, and MOtion) to make our projects more interesting 😀. I have found this D.L.O very interesting and fun to make. Here is my D.L.O 😊:

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Writing - To Narrate, Horror Story

  Hi readers! In Miss McLeod's writing in the past 2 weeks, our group made narrative stories (which is the writing topic for the rest of this term) 😁. For this writing, we all got to choose the genre that our stories are going to be based on, the genre's were: Horror, Science-fiction, Action, Mystery, Adventure and Fantasy, and I chose Horror. I found this piece of writing very fun to write and I enjoyed the process a lot 😌. Here is my writing, please tell me if you found this writing scary or not 😊:

The Shadow

She starts sprinting, regretting the decision to go on a midnight stroll, the

demon was gliding on the sidewalk, right behind her. There was no one in sight

to call for help, everyone was asleep in their homes. The demon starts laughing

wickedly and a cruel smile starts forming from eye to eye. Alice tried to

scream but she couldn’t, only a croaky groan came out. The demon’s big green

eyes glowed red and maliciously reached for Alice’s shadow, disappearing into


 She sprinted back home, her face frozen in horror, not knowing how to react

to what just happened. As she sprinted, she felt like someone was watching her

, but she was too terrified to look back. She reached the driveway, took out

her keys and hurriedly took out her keys from her trouser pocket, she

fumbled as she opened the front door. Alice wondered if she should tell her

mother but decided not to, why would she believe her, she would just think

that she is crazy. 

 Alice walked into her room and got into bed, pulling the covers up until they

were right under her eyes. . . she realized she was frozen in place, she wanted

to move but she couldn’t, it was like there was some pressure pushing her down

and freezing her. Alice looked around her room, at least she could move her

eyes, she could see a silhouette of someone in her room, it was the demon she

had seen before. She knew she couldn’t do anything so she closed her eyes and

tried to go back to sleep.

 Alice woke up the next morning, determined to get the demon away from her,

as she ate breakfast, she strategized, how can she get this demon away from

her? It was Sunday so she had a whole day to figure out a plan and execute it.

After eating breakfast, she decided to search up different ways to get rid of

paranormal things, and there it was, go and ask a psychic for help! There was a

local psychic in her town so this was perfect. She packed her bag with her

pocket money and told her mum she was heading out for a bit.

 Then, a deep voice popped into her head.

   “Heading to the local psychic I presume”. The voice said.

   “Who are you?!”. Alice said, suspecting it was the demon from before, the

people in the streets stared at her because it looked like she was talking to


   “I’m that demon from before, the one that was chasing you, I’m Abigor”.

   “Well, whatever, get out of my head!”. Alice says.

   “I’m not in your head, I’m in your shadow!”. Abigor says.

 Alice then realized why the demon jumped into her shadow, he could survive in

there, it wasn’t in the sun.

 After a while of walking, Alice reached the local psychic. She stepped into the

mysterious place and was hit by a strong smell.

   “Well, hello there, Alice”. 

   “Hi Eos”. Alice replied.

   “What do you need today?”.

  Alice then begins telling Eos about her problem, Eos nods understandingly.

   “So, if you’re right, this demon is probably a god in the demon realm, if so, I

have the perfect way to put him back to where he belongs”.

   “Okay!”. Alice says as she smiles happily. 


 Eos pulls out an orb from a cupboard which looks like there is a purple storm

inside it.


   “This should do.” She said as Alice watched her out of curiosity.”This is an

orb that attracts demons and teleports them to the demon realm, don’t worry,

even though demons know what this is for, they will always be attracted to it”.

Eos says confidently as Abigor slowly creeps out of Alice’s shadow.


Abigor then reaches towards the trap and gets sucked into it, but then, he

gives Alice a telepathic message.

   “Goodbye, daughter”. He says as an expression of shock creeps across Alice’s


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Te Reo Maori - How to ask for Items

  Hey readers! Last week in Te Reo Maori, we got to make a video and D.L.O about how to ask for items in Māori 😁, we also had to do this in buddies, my buddy was Izeiah. We made a slide as our D.L.O and we made our video on screencastify. I found this activity very fun and would love to do it again! Here is my Te Reo Maori D.L.O (please tell me what you think about it!) 😊:

Writing - Burger Advertisement Poster

  Hey readers! Last week in Miss McLeod's writing class, we got to make burger advertisement posters, and that's not just it, we got to design the burgers too 😁! I found this activity very fun since we got to do it on Canva and we got to design the whole advertisement our self. Please tell me what you think about my advertisement. Here it my advertisement 😊:

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Inquiry - Waste Sorting Activity

 Hey Readers! Today in Inquiry, Miss McLeod's Inquiry group learnt about recycling (one of the 4 R's 😁). We got to learn about what we can put into the yellow bin to be recycled, I found this lesson very important and interesting. And today I found out that 1 contaminated (unwashed or unclean) piece of rubbish can make a whole truck-full of rubbish have to go to landfill, so I'm taking washing my recycled plastic more seriously now 😄. After learning about recycling (which was very fun) we got to do this activity where we sought out different things to put into different bins on a google drawing. Here is my activity 😌:

Monday, November 1, 2021

Writing - Snow Leopard Information Report

  Hey Readers! Last week, Miss McLeod's writing group got to make information reports about an endangered species of their choice. I chose to write about the Snow Leopard 😁, and I was actually quite surprised to find out that Snow Leopards are actually an endangered species. I find Snow Leopards very beautiful, how about you? This writing was really fun for me and I enjoyed it a lot, her is my writing 😌:

The Endangered Snow Leopard


Did you know that Snow Leopards are endangered?

 Snow Leopards have been endangered since 1986. Which means that the Snow Leopard

has been endangered for 35 years,which, as you can imagine, only causes a negative

impact on the species. 


 Snow Leopards are a beautiful species of Leopard. They are an average sized species of

leopard, averaging between 2-5 feet long. They have stripy, long and bushy tails that can

range from 80-100 cm long. Their fur resembles the patterns of the fur of a cheetah which

makes them even more pretty. A Snow Leopard’s eyes are also very beautiful, with the

colours of their eyes being either grey or pale green.


Do you know where you can find Snow Leopards?

  Well, you can actually find Snow Leopards in the mountains of Central and Southern

Asia. They can be found in twelve countries, including Russia, China, Pakistan and

more. There are 4,000 - 6,000 Snow Leopards left in the world, and  around 2,000 of

them can be found in China, where most Snow Leopards live.


Have you ever wondered what Snow Leopards eat?

  Snow Leopards eat a big variety of things, most of them being small creatures. The

many different species they eat are Blue Sheep, Pikas, Deer and others. But, their diet is

one of the reasons that they’re endangered. Since Snow Leopards eat sheep, they mistake

the ones in farms for wild ones and when they try to hunt them, the farmers would often

shoot them down, by doing this, the amount of Snow Leopards decrease a lot each year.


 In conclusion, the Snow Leopard is a beautiful species that should not be messed with.

If you would like to save the wonderful species of Snow Leopards, try not to support

farmers and poachers who kill this amazing species.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Inquiry - Reduce Your Plastic Poster

   Hey Readers! In Inquiry this week, our whole class got split into 4 groups for Inquiry (that will stay for the rest of the year), each of the groups have different topics, but, all of those topics are related to pollution, and why we need to stop it. I was really hooked into these topics, even before this inquiry lesson, because I feel like this is a really big topic that should be recognised (tell me if you feel the same 😊). Well, for this weeks lesson, we focused on making a poster to stop people from using their single use plastics. We had a choice of making the poster digitally or on paper, I chose to do it digitally (on Canva). I found this lesson/project very fun and I enjoyed making this poster a lot 😁, here is the poster I made in this weeks inquiry lesson 😌: