
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Inquiry - Planet Earth and Beyond D.L.O

  Hey Readers! 

These past weeks, I have been working on a Planet Earth and Beyond D.L.O and it has been very fun to do 😀. I did topic/planet for every slide and I used: Slidesgo, freepik and Flaticon. I filled the slide with as much information as I could, I hope you enjoy:

Maths - Brain Teaser

 Hey Readers! 

In Miss McLeod's Maths group today I finished 2 brain teasers. 1 was this week's brain teaser and the second one was last week's brain teaser. I found it really fun and enjoyable, I didn't find it that hard but I found some mistakes at the end. Here is my brain teaser 😁:

Monday, June 28, 2021

Maths - Digital Pixel Art 3 (Multiplication)

  Hello Readers! 

Today in Miss McLeod's Maths group we did the digital pixel art number 3 which is about multiplication. I found it pretty easy and fun. I enjoyed watching the pixels together to make the picture. If you would also like to try out the pixel art that I did click here. Here is my pixel art:

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Student Summit

  Hey Readers! Today me and 15 other people people went to the Uru Mānuka Student Summit, seven schools came to the Summit, they were: Gilberthorpes, Yaldhurst Model School. St. Bernadette's, Hornby High School, Wigram Primary School, Hornby Primary School, and last but not least my school, South Hornby. We got taught many new things and you can check out what we learnt in the Uru Mānuka Student Summit site. I really enjoyed learning about how to Upgrade our Google slides to the next Level. The thing I found most challenging was when me, Sophie and Ella-Pearl had to do a presentation about Codey Rocky in front of 11 people, and the Ipads didn't work for a really long time. Here are some photos of me presenting at the Uru Mānuka Student Summit:

Monday, June 21, 2021

Writing - Information Report

      Hello Readers! Today in Miss McLeod's writing group we finished off our Information Report that we have been working on for a week 😊. We got to choose out of the three topics to write an Information Report about, the topics were: The Sun 🌄, The Earth 🌏, and The Moon 🌙. For my topic I chose the Moon since I find it really interesting. If you would like to know more about the Moon please check out my writing here 😊:

Magnificent Moon


Is that a Planet?

   No, that is the Moon and it is actually not an official planet though it has many

qualities of one. The Moon is actually a satellite of the Earth . And, did you know the

Moon is 4.53 billion years old?


   The Moon has been hit by many meteors and meteor showers. So if you get to see the

Moon’s surface, you will be able to see nearly all the places meteors have hit the Moon.

There is no air to breathe on the moon, so the flags that the astronauts have left on the

moon will never flutter. Also, the footprints left by astronauts on the Moon will stay there

for a very long time. The moon’s diameter is 3,474.2 km which is pretty big, but that is

only a quarter of our Earth. 


    The Moon has eight phases. There are waxing and waning Moons. The cycle goes like

this: First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning

Crescent, New Moon and then Waxing Crescent. It takes the Moon 27.3 days to orbit

Earth, but it takes the Moon 29.5 days to go from new moon to new moon. The Moon

takes 2.2 days to catch up to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The Earth can travel for

45 million miles around the sun while the Moon completes one orbit around the Earth.

Lunar Water

   For many years humans did not know that there was water on the Moon. But in 1971

Astronauts from the Apollo 14 mission found water on the Moon. The water on the Moon

is called Lunar Water. And because the Moon has water and an atmosphere, there is a small

chance that there is life on the Moon. 


    The Moon is one of the coolest and amazing satellites in our solar system. Thank you

for reading, I hope you have learnt something new about the Moon from this piece of


Maths - Pixel Art 2

 Hey readers! Today in Miss McLeod's Maths group we did another pixel art. In this one we had to do adding up and taking away to make the emoji. I found it very fun and I recommend you guys to try it. If you would like to try do the pixel art click this. Here is my pixel art 😁:

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Maths - Brain Teaser 1

    Today, in Miss McLeod's Maths Class we did a Pixel Art and we also got to do a Brain Teaser. The brain teaser was about the amount of the fruits. It was really fun to do, and I enjoyed it a lot. Here is the Brain Teaser I was working on:

Maths - Pixel Art 1

    Hey readers, today in Miss McLeod's maths group we did something called a pixel art. To do it you have to answer the maths questions and if you get it right some pixels will appear to make a picture. If you would like to make your Maths Pixel Art click this. It was really fun to do and I enjoyed it a lot, here is mine:

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Inquiry - Earth D.L.O

  Hey readers! 

     I just completed my Earth D.L.O (should've completed it weeks ago 😂).  And I am really excited to show you guys. This D.L.O is about the earth and it's layers and it was really fun to make it. Here it is 😁:

Inquiry - The Sun - Facts

 Hey readers! Since we are done learning about the Moon in Inquiry we have moved on to earning about the Sun. And for last week, our task was to a add on some facts about the Sun on a google drawing. And I found out some really cool facts in our Lesson in class and some extra cool ones online 😎😂. Here is my google drawing about the Sun 😄:

Inquiry - Neil Armstrong Timeline

   Hey readers! Since we've been learning about Planet Earth and Beyond for our Inquiry subject and we were learning about the moon in Lesson 5, 6 and 7 we also learnt about the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong. We also learnt some really cool facts about him, if you would like to know about some of Neil Armstrong's life please look at my timeline 😁: