
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Inquiry - Reduce Your Plastic Poster

   Hey Readers! In Inquiry this week, our whole class got split into 4 groups for Inquiry (that will stay for the rest of the year), each of the groups have different topics, but, all of those topics are related to pollution, and why we need to stop it. I was really hooked into these topics, even before this inquiry lesson, because I feel like this is a really big topic that should be recognised (tell me if you feel the same 😊). Well, for this weeks lesson, we focused on making a poster to stop people from using their single use plastics. We had a choice of making the poster digitally or on paper, I chose to do it digitally (on Canva). I found this lesson/project very fun and I enjoyed making this poster a lot 😁, here is the poster I made in this weeks inquiry lesson 😌:

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Writing - Orangutan Information Report

  Hi Readers! 2 weeks ago, Miss McLeod's Writing class made an Information Report about the Orangutan. I really enjoyed this piece of writing and really loved learning about the Orangutan Species, though, I was really sad when I found out that the Orangutan is an endangered species. The hardest thing for me to do while writing this piece of writing was writing about the Tapanuli Orangutan which actually took me 3 tries. Well, here's my Information Report about the Orangutan 😁:



Did you know that Orangutans are at risk of extinction?

 Because of deforestation, many Orangutans lose their lives and homes,

that is why 5-8  Orangutans die per day. For these reasons there are

only 55,000 - 65,000 Orangutans left in the world today. We have lost

over 1 million Orangutans since 2006. 


 There are three different species of Orangutan. They are: the Bornean

Orangutan, Sumatran Orangutan and the Tapanuli Orangutan. Though

they are all species of Orangutan, they look slightly different. The

Bornean Orangutan is the only species of ape to originate from Asia.

They have brownish-orange hair and a unique face shape. The Sumatran

Orangutan, like all other Orangutans, has orange hair and has a dome

shaped mouth. And last but not least, the Tapanuli Orangutan, they have

round faces and very expressive eyes. The female Tapanuli Orangutan

are under 4 feet tall and males are 5 feet tall.


Did you know that Orangutans' homes are being destroyed everyday?

Orangutans live in the rainforests of the Southeast Asian islands of

Borneo and Sumantra. They normally spend their days swinging around in

the treetops of rain forests and are not aware of what is happening to

their homes. Because of this, Orangutans are caught in the middle of the

chaos of machines destroying their homes, and can be hurt or killed in

the process. That is how deforestation had endangered the Orangutan



 Did you ever wonder what an Orangutan eats? Well, I was pretty

surprised when I found out that 60% of an Orangutan's diet consists of

fruit. Other than the large amount of fruit they eat, Orangutans also eat

bark, and their preference of bark are those from the Gironniera

Nervosa. Of course, there are other things in an Orangutans diet than

that, like insects, vines, honey, leaves and the inner shoots of plants.

Orangutans also eat meat, but they only eat it on very rare occasions.


 In conclusion, it is not okay for anyone to destroy Orangutans' homes, they are already an endangered species and should not be treated that way. So, please try the best you can to save the great species of Orangutan and their homes, the rain forests.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Maths - Origami Flower Maths Problem

 Hey Readers! In Miss McLeod's Maths today, we made an origami flower from NRich Maths 😁. The lady from the tutorial also gave us a question, she asked how many fractions does the little triangle in the flower is compared to the square it is in 😅? My answer was 1 quarter, please tell me your answer and please correct me if I'm wrong 😇. I found the task very fun and I enjoyed making the origami flower a lot 😌. Here is my Origami Flower 😊:

Friday, October 1, 2021

Writing - I'm Not That Bad (Persuasive Text)

  Hey Readers! A few weeks ago, in Miss McLeod's Writing Class, we got to choose a first and second choice for what we were going to write, our choices were: I'm Not that Bad, Selling Haunted House, and Super-Sonic hearing or x-ray eyes 😁. We got to choose from these topics because we were learning how to write persuasive texts, my first choice was Selling Haunted House and my second choice was I'm Not that Bad 😄. And in the end, I got I'm Not that Bad, where I had to choose a villain from a movie or book and try to persuade from someone's point of view that that person isn't evil 😀. The villain I chose was Nagato/Pain from Naruto and I found it very fun to write about because I  really love this character 😇. Here is my piece of writing 😌:

Nagato is Not that Bad!

Have you ever wondered if Pain from Naruto is really that bad?

Well, in my opinion, he isn’t. Pain/Nagato is still human, and like any

other human, he wanted to avenge his friend’s death. But he got

blinded by rage and revenge and his powers got out of control, but

my point is, he had a reason for what he had done. Do you think so


I feel like one of the biggest reasons why Nagato is not that bad is

because he, along with Konan, and Hanzō took care of the Hidden

Rain for years. Which I feel like is actually a big responsibility and

is pretty hard to do, I mean, he, Konan and Hanzō were leading the

whole of Hidden Rain. And they didn’t do anything horrible to the

citizens of the Hidden Rain either. Also, Nagato didn’t boast about

being the leader of the Hidden Rain, instead, he kept his identity

secret and none of the other Hidden villages knew that he was

actually the hidden leader who had taken care of the Hidden Rain.

Even though he took care of the Hidden Rain for years, I feel like

the biggest reason why Nagato isn’t bad is because he just got

blinded by rage & revenge. In the end, Nagato is still a human being

like us and he has feelings and emotions like we do as well. So, of

course, when he saw his own friend die in front of him, he wanted to

take revenge, like most of us would. He just went too far and his

desire for revenge turned into rage and that made him want to

inflict that pain he felt on all the people in the shinobi world.

Which, I agree, is taking things too far, but my point is that he had

reasons for doing what he did.

Another big reason why I think Pain/Nagato is not that bad is

because, once he realised what he had done, he used the rest of his

life force to restore the things he had damaged. And I think that is

a big change in character and he has shown that he is a different

person in his last moments. I also think that Nagato is good because

in the moment he sacrificed himself, he was happy, because he

hoped people would finally see him as the person he wanted to be. 

For these reasons, I believe that Pain/Nagato is actually not that

bad and is actually a good person. I think I have reasons to believe

so because, firstly, Nagato took care of the hidden rain for years.

Secondly, he just got blinded by his rage and desire for revenge.

And thirdly, he sacrificed himself in his last moments and fixed the

Hidden Leaf village.