
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Brain Teaser

Today was day 3 of home-learning and and this was maths : ). Please tell me what it was like for YOUR home learning experience this yer in the comments!!!

          So this was my brain teaser that I did from home:
                                     : )


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Home Learning and Writing

    Today is gonna be the start of hoe learning and blogging from home. This is what I've come up with by the story from today, comment and tell me what you think of it.So this is it:


       One day there was a rock who became alive. He has no family around him and he was all alone. The rock was mossy, bold,and had a really BIG nose. Also the rock has small eyes, and a big mouth with a generous smile. He also has a kind face.  

     The rock has no name but has a BIG rocky heart. He also is really kind hearted and is always ready to do a heroic thing (like saving someone's life and risking his). He can’t talk through, but that’s fine.

    But one day something happened that changed nearly everything. . .


Friday, March 20, 2020

Today's Writing

           In Mrs.Jones writing this week, we were writing about a character named Mr.Indifferent. There were some bits which were hard because we weren't writing about the story, but we were writing about the person in the story who was Mr.Indifferent.Well, this was what I came up with :

            In a busy city, there was a man called Mr.Indifferent. Mr.Indifferent is pale as snow and
he is as tall as a giraffe with legs as THIN as noodles. He is also very gloomy, and has very big
hands that he ALWAYS keeps in his pockets. He also has a stretched out face and a nose as big
as a light bulb. Mr.Indifferent always wears the same pitch black suit, he also has dark hair. 

          Mr.Indifferent is also very sad, careless, lonely, ignorant, mean, gloomy, depressed and
unhelpful. He never helps anyone or anybody. And he only cares about himself.

          One time, there was a trolley full of groceries heading his way (he could’ve stopped it but
he didn’t) but he just moved a side and let the shop owner run after it. But one day something
happened that changed Mr.Indifferent . . . 


                                             Please tell me what you think about it : )

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Word Cloud

         Yesterday in Miss Mcleod's writing group we did a word cloud about what other people think of us.I found it a little challenging because sometimes the words I've written just keeps on disapearing. But it was still really fun.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Maths - Brain Teaser

                This week brain teaser in Miss Mcleod's math group.This was my one : )



Great friend 
Good drawer


Friday, March 13, 2020

    In Mrs Jones writing group we have been working on a writing about Goldilocks and this was mine:


        Once upon a time,there was a little wooden  cottage in a corner of the woods.In that cottage lived a little 9 year old girl with her mother and that little girl was Goldilocks.
        Goldilocks has aqua eyes.Beautiful golden curls,she also has a blue dress with a white apron and black shoes.
        Goldilocks likes helping people.She also likes wandering into the woods and playing with the forest animals,like:Birds,little butterflies and other animals.  
         Everyone who knows Goldilocks knows her as a person who loves nature.And also likes helping other people.        

         Whenever Goldilocks goes into the woods her mum would always instruct her to come back before sundown.But Goldilocks could easily get distracted by other thoughts and wonder a little too long... 

       Please tell me what you think of it  in the comments : )

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Brain Teaser's : )

                       In Miss Mcleod's math's group ,we do brain teasers and this is 1 of them.

My Story Planner

                                                      This is my story planner on story web.

Self Esteem Activity / All About Me

There was an activity at self esteem and this one was mine.

       It was quite hard for me so: I didn't really finished my short cut speed test,but now I have known what it will be like  next time I do it (if I ever do it again) : )


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

At P.E

Last week we did hokey and this was me :) !!!

Number of the week

                                On 9.03.2020 we did a number of the week and this was mine.