
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Top Team - 2020

  Hi everyone, last week on Friday we did Top Team, it is a program for schools to get through all the activities and in each activity there will be 2 teams you get a new team for each activities because each team gets a different rotation. And for each activity you will get points in the end the 3 teams with the most points gets the Top Team certificates. Here are some photos of Top Team 😅:

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Reading - Emperor Penguin D.L.O and Penguin Origami

  Kia Ora everyone, this week our reading group has been learning about penguins. Most of us knew the basics of penguins but a few of us knew a lot about them. We read journals about them and watched videos about them too. It was all really fun and I didn't really find anything that hard. After we read the journal and watched the videos we then made a D.L.O (digital learning object) 😉:

    We also made a penguin origami and it was really fun. Though coloring the back of the piece of paper to make the penguin was kinda hard. If you want to make one then press this. Well, here is what I made:

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Inquiry - Worm tea D.L.O

  Hi everyone, in Inquiry I am in the compost group, we learn about composting and we focus on a lot of worm farms. And we made one, our inquiry group made a worm farm and we put worms in it today. There were adult and baby tiger worms. And when we were done we made a worm tea D.L.O. Here is mine 😇:

Reading - Shark D.L.O

  Kia Ora Tamariki ma, this week my reading group and I have been learning about sharks and today we made a D.L.O (digital learning object). I actually found sharks really fascinating, there are so many different breeds and shark pups know know how to take care of themselves when they are born. Anyways, here is my D.L.O (I didn't add everything I know in it though) 😋: 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Writing - To Inform, Information Report about Whales

  Hi everyone, in the past few weeks we have been working on a information report about an endangered animal. I chose the blue whale,  they are amazing underwater mammals that you can know more about in my piece of writing. It took a bit of time to research all the things I needed to know about the information report turned out perfect (to me). Here it is 😉:

The Wonderful Blue Whales

Have you ever seen a whale? They are underwater mammals which are cousins of the hippopotamus and dolphin. Did you know that?

Blue whales look an amazing true blue underwater but on land they look a beautiful bluish grey. Blue whales are also the biggest animal in the world (now) and they are 90 or more feet in size and can weigh as much as 24 elephants (they weigh from 50,000 kg to 150,000 kg). 

Blue whales usually eat large schools of fish and creatures like Octopus, zooplankton and small crabs.

Whales have a very amazing way to locate food underwater. They use echolocation to locate where their prey is. The blue whale’s call can reach 188 decibels but it isn’t the loudest animal on earth since the sperm whale can reach 230 decibels.

Whales make one of the longest migrations of any mammals and they travel about 10,000 miles each migration! The blue whale’s habitat is every aquatic habitat. Blue whales have been found in tropical, temperate, subtropical and arctic seas. 

I think whales are super fascinating creatures and there are many things that we can learn about them. Whales are also one of the most intelligent aquatic animals and the sperm whale has the biggest brain of any animal in the world.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Reading - Possum D.L.O

  Kia Ora tamariki ma, this week we have been learning about possum's and the problems they cause. It was really fun reading and researching about them and it was my favorite part . Then, we made a D.L.O (digital learning object) and here is mine 😁:

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Reading - Ocean Zones

 Hi everyone, in the past few days my reading group has been learning about ocean zones. Some of us knew more than others, I knew nothing 😅. We learned that there were the sunlight zone, twilight zone, midnight zone, the abyss and the trench (if there is any error that you might find on this post, or any other, please comment down below 😊). Well here is the slide that I made, it is about which ocean zone animals live in (I am proud of myself😁):

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Inquiry - How to make a Worm Farm

  Kia Ora tamariki ma, in Inquiry we have been learning about worm farms.  It was really fun and I think soon we will be making one ourselves. The best thing about learning about worm farms is the researching. We watched a video about it and there were a few things we had to search up. After learning about worm farms we were told to make slides about it. We had to be in buddies, and my buddy was  BaileeD. Here is our slide:

Reading - Making Lemon Sugar Scrub

   Kia Ora tamariki ma, An here, today I am going to tell you me and my reading group's experience making Lemon Sugar scrub. We had lots of fun, thanks to our teachers Miss McLeod and Miss Cornish. We got to choose our groups and my group had Sophie, Jordan and Jed in it. It was really fun, here is a slide:

Monday, November 9, 2020

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Technology - Food

  Hi everyone. In technology, we have been making our own muesli-bars and muesli-bar boxes (we haven't started making the muesli-bars yet).  The muesli bar boxes were really fun to make, if you are wondering why why we did not make a muesli-bar bag instead, well we just found it too complicated and it didn't seal well. We made our own design and label, we even made our own mascot (it's the winky-face -> 😉). And here is our product 😁 (it's not a real product though 😂):

                            Back (We are putting the ingredients in later, and we misspelt it 😅)

Maths - Measuring

   Hi everyone, last week in maths (strand), we learned about measuring. We used cups and glasses and poured water into them. Then, we made a 3x5 chart and wrote the glass, estimate and answer (if you don't understand then see the slide below). So here is the slide 😁:

Calendar Art

  Hi everyone! This week This month, we have been making our calendar art. The theme for our calendar art this year is dot art. It is really fun and we got to do our own designs and dot them (we didn't get really creative though 😅).  There were only two steps but it took a long  time. So, the first step was making a design using pencil, then, we dotted our design using paint and cotton buds (we used nearly all our time doing drafts 😁, the real process took only 3 days). This is what my art looks like in the end 👻:

Friday, September 18, 2020

Digital Citizenship - Doodling Face

   Kia Ora everyone, today at digital citizenship we made our own faces on a google drawing by using the curve tool. We put a picture at the back and went over it with the curve tool. It was a pretty easy, but long process 😀. Here is the finish product ✌:

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Reading - Eat Less Meat

  Hi everyone, this week in reading I (and my reading group) made slideshows about why we should eat less meat (with a few facts as well 😊). It was a pretty easy process, I you enjoy the slide ✌:

Why we should eat less meat

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Writing - Describe a Moment in Time

  Hi everyone, this week we did a describe a moment in time writing. Describe a moment in time writings are different and unique cause instead of just free-writing we have to have the writing in present tense and we must not say I or name the character cause you're not in the writing and you don't know the person in the writing. We have been doing these writings cause we are doing a writing test about describing a moment in time, so we have to get ready 😁. Anyway, here is my writing:


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Writing - Metaphors

   Kia Ora everyone, today at writing we learned about metaphors. We learned that metaphors are a figure of speech that describes an object. And, we also learned how to tell the difference between metaphors and similes. Similes are sentences that compare things with other things using 'as' and 'like', like: the sun is like a light-bulb in the sky. But metaphors are sentences that describe things using 'is', 'was', 'were', and 'are', like: Your room is a pigsty. Anyways, here is my work that I did today ✌.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Reading - Should we eat Less Meat?

  Hi everyone, today in reading we were discussing if we should eat less meat. And we got 2 different sides from this.

What side are you on?
These are the 2 sides that I came up with:

Writing - Similes

  Kia Ora everyone, today our class learned about similes. If you don't know what similes are, then they are like describing something using a different word, and, it is only a simile if it has like or as in it. An example is lie: As fast as lightning. Today we also did a google doc sheet to fill in. Here it is 👇:

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Reading - Responding to Opinions - Eat Less Meat

   Hi everyone, today in reading we did a writing about opinions, there is Person A and Person B. Two of those people have different opinions and here they are:

So, what opinion do you agree to? Here is my opinion:

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Reading - Wonder/Wonderous

   Hi everyone, our class has been reading a book called wonder written by R.J Palacio and it is an amazing book (though we haven't reached the end yet 😂). So we found this site where you can make your own wonder profile. And it is so much fun, so make sure you check it out 👍.

This is my one by the way ✌

Reading - Author's Purpose Quiz

   Kia Ora, in reading with miss McLeod we have been learning about author's purpose. Author's purpose is when you read the sentence or the writing and see which thing the writing is about: To inform, persuade or entertain. Today we did a quiz to see our opinions about each sentence (inform, persuade or entertain). Do you think these are the right answers 😋?

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Reading - Eat less meat

 Hi everyone, today in reading our group did an activity about eating less meat. The activity is to write a piece of writing explaining why we all should eat less meat. It was a pretty easy thing to write about cause I was quite familiar with the subject already. Anyways, here is my piece of writing 😋:

Writing - Show (don't tell)

 Kia Ora everyone, today is a Tuesday which means in writing we will get taught by the wonderful Miss.H. In writing we did an activity called show don't tell. Show don't tell is about showing how a person/character is feeling in a story rather than telling the reader the exact feeling. I found 2 feelings kinda hard, they were shy and annoyed. But in the end I finished the whole thing 😁.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Te Reo - Greetings

 Kia Ora Koutou, today in Te Reo maori we learned about greetings. We had to all choose a buddy and my buddy is Sophie (🠜 Make sure you check out her blog 😉). We made a video to model how to pronounce the greetings (the sound is a little bit muffled, we couldn't find somewhere quiet enough😅). But anyways, make sure to check out our video (in the slide) down here 🠟:

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Reading - Reasons For/Against- Wearing School Uniform

 Yesterday in reading with Miss McLeod. We filled in a document about For or Against Wearing School Uniforms (like you can see in the title). It was a pretty hard process, and it took around 15 minutes. And that was because I didn't know a reason for wearing school uniform. Though it was a pretty hard process, I still enjoyed it cause I learned a few new things 😊. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Drones DO have a place in our future!

   Hi everyone. For a week now, in Miss Mcleod's writing class we have been working on persuading writing. We each chose a topic to write about, mine (as you see on the title) is that Drones DO have a place in our future. I found paragraph 2 kinda hard cause I didn't know that much about the military😊. Some of you may disagree with this but your mind might change when you read my writing. 😉

Drones DO have a place in our future 

 Do you think drones DO have a place in our planet’s future? Well I certainly do.

Drones can help with many things like: searches for people, the military and they

can help the planet.

 Firstly, drones are GREAT for searches. Mainly, they are good for searches for people. Keving Weldon had invented a rescue drone. It has a camera which can zoom in on things. These rescue drones are big enough to carry an adult, which means they can rescue you and easily carry you back to a safe place.

 Secondly, drones can help in the military. Military drones are normally

known as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or RPAS (Remotely Piloted

Aerial Systems). In the military drones can be used to drop bombs or

grenades, this is because if a soldier did this he might have a chance of

being injured (or die). Some drones have guns attached to them which

means that you can control them to shoot whilst in the air, this could

help with sneaking on an opponent and aiming. So, don’t you think drones

should help in the military?

 Finally, drones can help with the planet. And when I say ‘drones can

help with the planet’ I mean that they can help grow trees. A group

of British engineers has designed drones that can grow trees. You

just fill them with seeds and they will ‘drop’ them into the ground,

then, the trees will grow up by themselves in the wild. These drones

are way faster than us humans, in fact, they are 6 times faster

than us ! ! ! Isn’t that amazing?

In conclusion, I think that drones will have a great place in our future. This is because they can help with the military, searches for people and they can help with our planet. So don’t you now think that drones do have a place in our future?


Monday, August 10, 2020

Cell Phones History

Cell Phones History


  Cell Phones were invented back in the 1984’s by Martin Cooper. And after that, people started to upgrade Cell Phones from their looks to their use.

Body Paragraph 1: Appearance

  Cell Phones throughout the years have changed their appearance A LOT. Martin Cooper’s first cell phone looked like a walkie-talkie. Then, people upgraded it to flip phones. After that, phones  with screens and keys. Then phones that look like the phones now, they have screens and you could do WAY more things with them.

Body Paragraph 2: Use

   Cell Phones now have many different uses. Long ago when cellphones were only just invented they could only call. Then, people upgraded cell phones so that they could call and text. But now, cell phones can do MANY more things like: play games on, draw on, download apps on, take notes on and they still can call and text on.

Body Paragraph 3: History

   Cell phones date back to 1973.  The first cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper, Donald Cox, W.Rae Young, and Eric Tigerstedt. And the first automated cellular cell phone network (1G) was made in Japan by the Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company.



   Cell phones are great machines that can help you a lot. And maybe in 10 more years cellphones could have a whole new appearance.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Make it Personal

Hi, this week is the start of Term 4 and I'm SUPER exited for this Term. Today we did Digital Citizenship and we learned about Personal information and Privet information. We learned how to tell the difference between the 2 things. So we used a template that had 2 column's Privet information on one column and we had to write what the Personal information is on the other column. If you have NO IDEA what I am talking about than you should look at the picture above ☝.  I have to go now so BYE👻!!!

Friday, July 3, 2020

My Writing this Term

Hi, today is the End of Term 2. It is a sad and Happy day for me. And right now I am looking back at the writing that I did this Term. I really enjoyed every part of it but I think the most FUN part is making Comics on Pixton. Did YOU  do anything fun with Writing this Term?

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Monday, June 29, 2020

My Guide to a Quality Blog Comment

HI EVERYONE, today in writing we did a comic on PIXTON. It is about how to make a quality blog comment. This is a nice story to help you with your blog comments. Hope you enjoy it 👻

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Pixton Comics

Hi everyone, today I've finished my Comic on Pixton, if you don't know what Pixton is than it is a site where you could make Comics. Its really fun and you could try it out. It is about my bucket list. So yeah, I hope you enjoy reading it. Bye 😀


Hi, today in Maths we did a ratio about pancake recipe. It was really fun and my Maths talk-group did a video about it. On the sheet we also checked our answers by doing it in another way. To do this we needed to use our times-tables divisions. : )

Monday, June 15, 2020


Hi today Art with Mrs Jones and Miss McClelland we did our 'Self Portraits' (well half of it was). It was really fun. We took photos of ourselves and then, we cut them in half. After that we stick it on a A4  piece of paper. Then, we sketched the other side of our-faces. When we were done, we stuck it on a colossal piece of paper. Then, we stick positive words that people think of us on.


 Hi, today in writing I FINALLY finished my pick-a-path story. If you don't know what a pick-a-path story, than it is a story where YOU could choose what happens. I really enjoyed making this and I hope that you enjoy it too.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

My Balance Pie-Chart

  Hi, yesterday in Inquiry we did a pie-chart about our physical well-being. For physical well-being we'll be talking about how much time we spend doing Alone Time, What we Eat, Our time with Family and Friends, Our Exercise and how much time we use with our brain power. Here is my chart 😋:

Friday, May 29, 2020


  Hi, today, on Friday, we received prizes. They are: badges (for librarians), wrist bands (for people who has 50 thank you tickets), lock-down learner award (for people who come to home-learning hangouts), and last but not least: The HERO awards. If you want to check out some of these more clearly you could look in:
 And here is the images that I copied 😊:

Monday, May 25, 2020

     Hi, today in reading I managed to finish the treasure map that I was working on (it is fake, of course). And we did it based on a story called The Pirates' Plunder, it is a nice short story about pirates' finding their treasure. Here is the map that I made based on the story 😀:

Thursday, May 21, 2020

At School Again

    Hi everyone, I'm back at school again. It feels great. I could see my friends and hangout with them once more. But we still have to keep distance/social distancing, sanitize and wash our hands to keep safe.

    I still prefer normal school though 😊. But I am still REALLY glad that I'm back, because when I was in Lock-down I missed it really much.  😉

Monday, May 18, 2020

Writing - The Box

The Box
        In an old house, there lived an old man and a mouse. They weren’t
friends, of course, but they did no harm to each other. The mouse
always thinks that the old man bugs his business. And the old-man
thinks that the mouse always steals his food.

     So, one day, the old man set a trap for the mouse. And, the mouse
walked right into it as he predicted. But the old man didn’t plan to do
anything after that. So he had the idea to set it free. But as he was
about to do that he heard the neighbors cat. (and you know what cats
do to mouse right?)

     After that, the old man had no other choice but to let it live with
him. Then, he decided that the best way to live with the mouse, is
to make friends with it. (that’s the best way to live with someone/thing
that you think is annoying)

    So, he went into the house, put the box on a table, and started to
poke holes on the box to let the mouse breathe. After that he fed the
mouse some bread crusts but it threw the bread crust out straight
away (it was still angry). 

    So he opened the box and let the mouse see him eating the bread
crusts. So the mouse got hungry and ate some. Soon, after that, the
mouse and the old man became good friends.

                    The End

Writing - Soar

One day, there was a teenage girl named Alice who had a dream to make
aeroplanes . Alice was testing one of her planes to see if it could fly, but, like all the
other ones it fell down.

      Alice had felt as though she would never be successful with planes.
Then as she was sobbing she heard a noise like a broken air-craft.
As she looked to the direction of the sound. She saw a tiny little
hot-air balloon crash down on the bench nearby. 

      She went to the little hot-air balloon and saw a little person in it,
named Anita. When Anita saw Alice she immediately grabbed a pencil
near her and pointed it at Alice frightenedly. Alice knew the position
Anita was in so she greeted her with a smile.

      Anita then ran down to flip her tiny hot-air balloon and Alice saw
what had happened. So then, she saw some pencils and tried to fix it
but it didn’t work. Then Anita looked up to the sky and Alice looked,
but she definitely didn’t expect to see the fleet of air-crafts which
she saw.

     Then Alice REALLY wanted to help Anita so she tried everything
she could. But they failed nearly every time. After that, they were
about to quit but then Alice held her map and the wind blew it,
then it flew. So Alice had a great idea to connect her plan with
the hot-air balloon. AND IT WORKED.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Hi, today is the LAST DAY IN HOME-LEARNING and it is very exiting. In reading today we finished the reading slide about Harry Potter that we have been working on for 3-days. So it is a REALLY long slide. And here it is 😁:

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Maths - 24 hour time

Hi, today in Maths with Miss McLeod we learned more about 24 hour time. It is a fun subject. And now, Miss McLeod put clues so we could fill grids each time. It is really, really fun (though a bit hard), but it is a nice exercise.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Reading - The Man With 2 Faces

Hello, today we read the other half of the last chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and it was nice. At the end everything came together and there were no trouble anymore (well, until the next book). And here is the slide:

Hogwarts - House

Hi, today was really fun. In reading I found out what house I'm in. First, I was hoping that I could go in Griffindor. But it turned out I wasn't. But that is okay. Cause the house I'm in is pretty good too 😁. Here is my house:

Maths - 24 hour time

Hi, today in maths we learned about 24 hour-time. We basically just swap the 12-hour-time into 24-hour-time. Which was pretty hard at first cause I got mixed up with all the pluses and numbers. But soon after that I got used to it and it wasn't so hard after that. The best part about Maths today is that the slide activities are really fun. Here is the slide 😁 :

Writing - Dust Buddies

Once, in an old fashioned house there were 5 little dust buddies who were really hungry. They normally hung out in the living room where they would normally eat some cracker crumbs. Two of the dust buddies were best of friends and loved playing with each other. But one of them normally got bullied so she wasn’t really social. Then the 2 dust buddies went to get some cracker crumbs for food. But then a gang of bullies came and they bullied the shy little dust buddy. Her friend was telling her to come when and then they heard a vacuum coming. When they looked at the direction they saw that the house maid was coming for them. The maid then came straight their way and she vacuumed them all up, but she missed one of them. The shy little dust buddy was left there alone, her only friend was in the vacuum and all the other dust buddies were there too. So the dust Buddy smartly unplugged the vacuum cleaner and when the maid came to plug it in again she went into the vacuum and put her friends back together again. But the dust buddy wasn’t done and she and her friend stood on the vacuum cleaner. Luring the maid into their trap. Then, they sucked the maid into the vacuum. Then they all threw her outside the door. After that the lonely and shy dust buddy had friends and was not bullied after that.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Hi, today in reading we did a Padlet about the last chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,though we only read half of it 😁.But anyways, the Padlet was really fun. We told what was our favourite parts in the last chapter mine is the part where Harry needed to fight Voldemort and Quirrel.If you want a closer look click here

Friday, May 8, 2020

Hi everyone, today in Reading with Miss McLeod we read the second to last chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. It is a nice and really exciting at the end. In fact the end was too exciting that it made me read the last chapter which I had to search on Google. But we're focusing on today's chapter so I won't be too much of a spoiler. Anyways, Here is the slide 👌 :

Maths - Timetables

Hi, today in Miss McLeod's Maths session we learned about how to tell timetables. It was a fun session. And the slide was pretty long. The hardest part for me was when we had to guess the time using the time before it and after it. But it was okay when I got the hang of it. But the most fun part for me was looking at the timetables and telling the different times. Here is the slide:

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Reading - Harry Potter

Hi everyone, today in Reading we read about Harry Potter and when he went in the forbidden forest as a detention. I was the scariest chapter yet cause Harry saw Voldemort, the Dark Lord, drink a dead unicorn's blood. And people only drink unicorn blood when they are desperate to live, cause unicorn blood is cursed. Have you ever read this chapter in Harry Potter before?

Writing - Lighthouse

Once, in a lighthouse on a cliff, near a town next to the sea there was an old lighthouse keeper who was quiet and lonely. At the time, he was writing a letter, from outside he could hear a party but he always thought of them as silly. Then, he heard a loud ‘BANG’ upstairs, and the party had stopped. He went up to check out what it was. And it turned out that the light in the lighthouse had stopped working. So he grabbed a tool-box and took out the light to try and fix it, but as he was taking it out he accidentally dropped it and the light shattered to pieces. The lighthouse keeper was panicking because he already broke the light and even worse he heard a ship coming in. And it was heading to the wrong side of the harbour where there were rocks that could sink a ship. So he started thinking as fast as he could for a solution and then he looked outside of the lighthouse and he saw the lights of the houses. He then had a GREAT idea. He went down to the party (because that's where most people were), and told them what had happened. Then, he told them his idea to use the lights they have and stand near or on the lighthouse to replace the lighthouse so it could guide the ship safely ashore. And his idea worked perfectly, he also made a few friends so he wasn’t lonely anymore, just quiet.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reading - Harry Potter

Hi, today in reading we read the 14th chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone. And it was an interesting chapter with a cliff-hanging end that I'll read tomorrow.😁

Maths - Measuring Time/Calendars

Good morning everyone, today we learned about reading calendars. It was easy. But one part was hard and that part is on slide 5 of today's Math slide. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reading - Chapter 13 Harry Potter

Hi everyone, today we read about Chapter 13 - Nicolas Flamel a really interesting chapter. In the Chapter Harry wins a Quiditch match for Griffondor once again. Do you know what Quiditch is?

Monday, May 4, 2020

Reading - Harry Potter

Hi everyone. Today in reading with Miss Mcleod we read chapter 12 of Harry Potter: The Mirror of Erised. It is a pretty nice and 1% creepy. We also did a slide about it like all the other chapters. : )

Maths - Elapsed Time

Hi, today in maths with miss Mcleod we learned about elapsed time. It was really hard at some points but I managed to do it fine. : )

Writing - Narrating

Catch it By: An One morning, in a hole at a desert there was a pack of playful meerkats who loved to play catch. They were all sleeping but they soon woke up when the sun shone into their little hole. They then went out to look for something to do and they saw a single pink fruit on a nearly dead tree. They looked at it admiringly. But then, a vulture swooped down, got the fruit, and flew away. Then they all clinged on to the fruit in the claw of the vulture and stayed there. From below it looked like the vulture has a long tail. But as they were going the vulture hit a cliff and the meerkats fell down. The fruit then dropped from the vulture’s claw and one of the meerkats caught it. And he threw it to another meerkat and they all did the same with the fruit. But then one meerkat kicked the fruit really far and no meerkat could catch it so it got squished.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Reading Harry Potter

Hi everyone, today in reading we read Chapter 11 of Harry Potter. And It was a really nice chapter. It was about Harry's first Quidditch match. And here is a slide about it:

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Reading - Harry Potter

Hi, today in Miss Mcleod's reading we dd a slide about Chapter 10 Harry Potter - Halloween. It is a very intresting chapter and I enjoyed it alot. Have you read this chapter before?

Maths - Measuring time

Hi everyone, today in maths with Miss Mcleod we learned about measuring time. We also did a slide about it and it was really fun and easy.😃 I enjoyed task 5 the most it was the shortest and easiest.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Reading - Chapter 9

Hi, today in Miss Mcleod's reading group we read Chapter 9 of Harry Potter - The Midnight Duel It was a really nice chapter where Harry near gets expelled. : ) And we also did a slide about it.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Reading - Chapter 8 The Potions Master

Hi, today we read Chapter 8- The Potions Master. Have you ever read Harry Potter before?

Maths - Digital time

Hi, today in maths we did a digital time slide. Task 3 was kind of hard but it was still fun. : )

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Writing - Chapter 7

Hi, today I did a slide about Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat Have you read this chapter before?

Reading - Harry Potter

Hi everyone, today in reading I did a slide about Chapter 5 - The Philosopher's stone. : )

Writing - Teeth

Hi, today in writing I wrote about a short clip called Teeth. It was nice, with 2 men who I named Fred and Matt. But it was kind of hard, I had to find 2 old-men names. : ) Teeth By: AN One day, there were two old men named Matt and Fred. They were fishing on a lake. The lake that they were fishing in was a beautiful, peaceful and still lake. And they were rowing on their boat trying to find the perfect spot to fish. As they were rowing Fred sneezed and his false teeth fell out into the lake and Matt laughed. When they found the right spot, they got their hooks and started fishing. After a few minutes Matt caught a fish. He then, (to be silly) took his false teeth out and put it into the fish's mouth. Then, he showed Fred the fish. Fred laughed, took the teeth out and put it into his mouth. But the teeth didn’t fit and they both laughed. Then Fred threw it into the river. : ) The end

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hi, Miss Mcleod's reading group have been reading Harry Potter We are now up to chapter 6 - The Journey from Platform 9/3 It was challenging. And that's because the questions was like a puzzle. But it was fun : )

Five Minute Intervals

Hi everyone, today I learned about 5 minute intervals It was kind of challenging But its still fun : )