
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Digital Citizenship - What Can I Share?

  Hey readers! This week, in Digital Citizenship, we made a D.L.O about what we can share on the internet. The target audience for this D.L.O are year 4's who will be new to this sort of thing next year 😁, to show them what they can share on the internet and what they can't. In Digital Citizenship, we have also been learning about SISOMO (SIght, SOund, and MOtion) to make our projects more interesting 😀. I have found this D.L.O very interesting and fun to make. Here is my D.L.O 😊:

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Writing - To Narrate, Horror Story

  Hi readers! In Miss McLeod's writing in the past 2 weeks, our group made narrative stories (which is the writing topic for the rest of this term) 😁. For this writing, we all got to choose the genre that our stories are going to be based on, the genre's were: Horror, Science-fiction, Action, Mystery, Adventure and Fantasy, and I chose Horror. I found this piece of writing very fun to write and I enjoyed the process a lot 😌. Here is my writing, please tell me if you found this writing scary or not 😊:

The Shadow

She starts sprinting, regretting the decision to go on a midnight stroll, the

demon was gliding on the sidewalk, right behind her. There was no one in sight

to call for help, everyone was asleep in their homes. The demon starts laughing

wickedly and a cruel smile starts forming from eye to eye. Alice tried to

scream but she couldn’t, only a croaky groan came out. The demon’s big green

eyes glowed red and maliciously reached for Alice’s shadow, disappearing into


 She sprinted back home, her face frozen in horror, not knowing how to react

to what just happened. As she sprinted, she felt like someone was watching her

, but she was too terrified to look back. She reached the driveway, took out

her keys and hurriedly took out her keys from her trouser pocket, she

fumbled as she opened the front door. Alice wondered if she should tell her

mother but decided not to, why would she believe her, she would just think

that she is crazy. 

 Alice walked into her room and got into bed, pulling the covers up until they

were right under her eyes. . . she realized she was frozen in place, she wanted

to move but she couldn’t, it was like there was some pressure pushing her down

and freezing her. Alice looked around her room, at least she could move her

eyes, she could see a silhouette of someone in her room, it was the demon she

had seen before. She knew she couldn’t do anything so she closed her eyes and

tried to go back to sleep.

 Alice woke up the next morning, determined to get the demon away from her,

as she ate breakfast, she strategized, how can she get this demon away from

her? It was Sunday so she had a whole day to figure out a plan and execute it.

After eating breakfast, she decided to search up different ways to get rid of

paranormal things, and there it was, go and ask a psychic for help! There was a

local psychic in her town so this was perfect. She packed her bag with her

pocket money and told her mum she was heading out for a bit.

 Then, a deep voice popped into her head.

   “Heading to the local psychic I presume”. The voice said.

   “Who are you?!”. Alice said, suspecting it was the demon from before, the

people in the streets stared at her because it looked like she was talking to


   “I’m that demon from before, the one that was chasing you, I’m Abigor”.

   “Well, whatever, get out of my head!”. Alice says.

   “I’m not in your head, I’m in your shadow!”. Abigor says.

 Alice then realized why the demon jumped into her shadow, he could survive in

there, it wasn’t in the sun.

 After a while of walking, Alice reached the local psychic. She stepped into the

mysterious place and was hit by a strong smell.

   “Well, hello there, Alice”. 

   “Hi Eos”. Alice replied.

   “What do you need today?”.

  Alice then begins telling Eos about her problem, Eos nods understandingly.

   “So, if you’re right, this demon is probably a god in the demon realm, if so, I

have the perfect way to put him back to where he belongs”.

   “Okay!”. Alice says as she smiles happily. 


 Eos pulls out an orb from a cupboard which looks like there is a purple storm

inside it.


   “This should do.” She said as Alice watched her out of curiosity.”This is an

orb that attracts demons and teleports them to the demon realm, don’t worry,

even though demons know what this is for, they will always be attracted to it”.

Eos says confidently as Abigor slowly creeps out of Alice’s shadow.


Abigor then reaches towards the trap and gets sucked into it, but then, he

gives Alice a telepathic message.

   “Goodbye, daughter”. He says as an expression of shock creeps across Alice’s


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Te Reo Maori - How to ask for Items

  Hey readers! Last week in Te Reo Maori, we got to make a video and D.L.O about how to ask for items in Māori 😁, we also had to do this in buddies, my buddy was Izeiah. We made a slide as our D.L.O and we made our video on screencastify. I found this activity very fun and would love to do it again! Here is my Te Reo Maori D.L.O (please tell me what you think about it!) 😊:

Writing - Burger Advertisement Poster

  Hey readers! Last week in Miss McLeod's writing class, we got to make burger advertisement posters, and that's not just it, we got to design the burgers too 😁! I found this activity very fun since we got to do it on Canva and we got to design the whole advertisement our self. Please tell me what you think about my advertisement. Here it my advertisement 😊:

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Inquiry - Waste Sorting Activity

 Hey Readers! Today in Inquiry, Miss McLeod's Inquiry group learnt about recycling (one of the 4 R's 😁). We got to learn about what we can put into the yellow bin to be recycled, I found this lesson very important and interesting. And today I found out that 1 contaminated (unwashed or unclean) piece of rubbish can make a whole truck-full of rubbish have to go to landfill, so I'm taking washing my recycled plastic more seriously now 😄. After learning about recycling (which was very fun) we got to do this activity where we sought out different things to put into different bins on a google drawing. Here is my activity 😌:

Monday, November 1, 2021

Writing - Snow Leopard Information Report

  Hey Readers! Last week, Miss McLeod's writing group got to make information reports about an endangered species of their choice. I chose to write about the Snow Leopard 😁, and I was actually quite surprised to find out that Snow Leopards are actually an endangered species. I find Snow Leopards very beautiful, how about you? This writing was really fun for me and I enjoyed it a lot, her is my writing 😌:

The Endangered Snow Leopard


Did you know that Snow Leopards are endangered?

 Snow Leopards have been endangered since 1986. Which means that the Snow Leopard

has been endangered for 35 years,which, as you can imagine, only causes a negative

impact on the species. 


 Snow Leopards are a beautiful species of Leopard. They are an average sized species of

leopard, averaging between 2-5 feet long. They have stripy, long and bushy tails that can

range from 80-100 cm long. Their fur resembles the patterns of the fur of a cheetah which

makes them even more pretty. A Snow Leopard’s eyes are also very beautiful, with the

colours of their eyes being either grey or pale green.


Do you know where you can find Snow Leopards?

  Well, you can actually find Snow Leopards in the mountains of Central and Southern

Asia. They can be found in twelve countries, including Russia, China, Pakistan and

more. There are 4,000 - 6,000 Snow Leopards left in the world, and  around 2,000 of

them can be found in China, where most Snow Leopards live.


Have you ever wondered what Snow Leopards eat?

  Snow Leopards eat a big variety of things, most of them being small creatures. The

many different species they eat are Blue Sheep, Pikas, Deer and others. But, their diet is

one of the reasons that they’re endangered. Since Snow Leopards eat sheep, they mistake

the ones in farms for wild ones and when they try to hunt them, the farmers would often

shoot them down, by doing this, the amount of Snow Leopards decrease a lot each year.


 In conclusion, the Snow Leopard is a beautiful species that should not be messed with.

If you would like to save the wonderful species of Snow Leopards, try not to support

farmers and poachers who kill this amazing species.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Inquiry - Reduce Your Plastic Poster

   Hey Readers! In Inquiry this week, our whole class got split into 4 groups for Inquiry (that will stay for the rest of the year), each of the groups have different topics, but, all of those topics are related to pollution, and why we need to stop it. I was really hooked into these topics, even before this inquiry lesson, because I feel like this is a really big topic that should be recognised (tell me if you feel the same 😊). Well, for this weeks lesson, we focused on making a poster to stop people from using their single use plastics. We had a choice of making the poster digitally or on paper, I chose to do it digitally (on Canva). I found this lesson/project very fun and I enjoyed making this poster a lot 😁, here is the poster I made in this weeks inquiry lesson 😌:

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Writing - Orangutan Information Report

  Hi Readers! 2 weeks ago, Miss McLeod's Writing class made an Information Report about the Orangutan. I really enjoyed this piece of writing and really loved learning about the Orangutan Species, though, I was really sad when I found out that the Orangutan is an endangered species. The hardest thing for me to do while writing this piece of writing was writing about the Tapanuli Orangutan which actually took me 3 tries. Well, here's my Information Report about the Orangutan 😁:



Did you know that Orangutans are at risk of extinction?

 Because of deforestation, many Orangutans lose their lives and homes,

that is why 5-8  Orangutans die per day. For these reasons there are

only 55,000 - 65,000 Orangutans left in the world today. We have lost

over 1 million Orangutans since 2006. 


 There are three different species of Orangutan. They are: the Bornean

Orangutan, Sumatran Orangutan and the Tapanuli Orangutan. Though

they are all species of Orangutan, they look slightly different. The

Bornean Orangutan is the only species of ape to originate from Asia.

They have brownish-orange hair and a unique face shape. The Sumatran

Orangutan, like all other Orangutans, has orange hair and has a dome

shaped mouth. And last but not least, the Tapanuli Orangutan, they have

round faces and very expressive eyes. The female Tapanuli Orangutan

are under 4 feet tall and males are 5 feet tall.


Did you know that Orangutans' homes are being destroyed everyday?

Orangutans live in the rainforests of the Southeast Asian islands of

Borneo and Sumantra. They normally spend their days swinging around in

the treetops of rain forests and are not aware of what is happening to

their homes. Because of this, Orangutans are caught in the middle of the

chaos of machines destroying their homes, and can be hurt or killed in

the process. That is how deforestation had endangered the Orangutan



 Did you ever wonder what an Orangutan eats? Well, I was pretty

surprised when I found out that 60% of an Orangutan's diet consists of

fruit. Other than the large amount of fruit they eat, Orangutans also eat

bark, and their preference of bark are those from the Gironniera

Nervosa. Of course, there are other things in an Orangutans diet than

that, like insects, vines, honey, leaves and the inner shoots of plants.

Orangutans also eat meat, but they only eat it on very rare occasions.


 In conclusion, it is not okay for anyone to destroy Orangutans' homes, they are already an endangered species and should not be treated that way. So, please try the best you can to save the great species of Orangutan and their homes, the rain forests.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Maths - Origami Flower Maths Problem

 Hey Readers! In Miss McLeod's Maths today, we made an origami flower from NRich Maths 😁. The lady from the tutorial also gave us a question, she asked how many fractions does the little triangle in the flower is compared to the square it is in 😅? My answer was 1 quarter, please tell me your answer and please correct me if I'm wrong 😇. I found the task very fun and I enjoyed making the origami flower a lot 😌. Here is my Origami Flower 😊:

Friday, October 1, 2021

Writing - I'm Not That Bad (Persuasive Text)

  Hey Readers! A few weeks ago, in Miss McLeod's Writing Class, we got to choose a first and second choice for what we were going to write, our choices were: I'm Not that Bad, Selling Haunted House, and Super-Sonic hearing or x-ray eyes 😁. We got to choose from these topics because we were learning how to write persuasive texts, my first choice was Selling Haunted House and my second choice was I'm Not that Bad 😄. And in the end, I got I'm Not that Bad, where I had to choose a villain from a movie or book and try to persuade from someone's point of view that that person isn't evil 😀. The villain I chose was Nagato/Pain from Naruto and I found it very fun to write about because I  really love this character 😇. Here is my piece of writing 😌:

Nagato is Not that Bad!

Have you ever wondered if Pain from Naruto is really that bad?

Well, in my opinion, he isn’t. Pain/Nagato is still human, and like any

other human, he wanted to avenge his friend’s death. But he got

blinded by rage and revenge and his powers got out of control, but

my point is, he had a reason for what he had done. Do you think so


I feel like one of the biggest reasons why Nagato is not that bad is

because he, along with Konan, and Hanzō took care of the Hidden

Rain for years. Which I feel like is actually a big responsibility and

is pretty hard to do, I mean, he, Konan and Hanzō were leading the

whole of Hidden Rain. And they didn’t do anything horrible to the

citizens of the Hidden Rain either. Also, Nagato didn’t boast about

being the leader of the Hidden Rain, instead, he kept his identity

secret and none of the other Hidden villages knew that he was

actually the hidden leader who had taken care of the Hidden Rain.

Even though he took care of the Hidden Rain for years, I feel like

the biggest reason why Nagato isn’t bad is because he just got

blinded by rage & revenge. In the end, Nagato is still a human being

like us and he has feelings and emotions like we do as well. So, of

course, when he saw his own friend die in front of him, he wanted to

take revenge, like most of us would. He just went too far and his

desire for revenge turned into rage and that made him want to

inflict that pain he felt on all the people in the shinobi world.

Which, I agree, is taking things too far, but my point is that he had

reasons for doing what he did.

Another big reason why I think Pain/Nagato is not that bad is

because, once he realised what he had done, he used the rest of his

life force to restore the things he had damaged. And I think that is

a big change in character and he has shown that he is a different

person in his last moments. I also think that Nagato is good because

in the moment he sacrificed himself, he was happy, because he

hoped people would finally see him as the person he wanted to be. 

For these reasons, I believe that Pain/Nagato is actually not that

bad and is actually a good person. I think I have reasons to believe

so because, firstly, Nagato took care of the hidden rain for years.

Secondly, he just got blinded by his rage and desire for revenge.

And thirdly, he sacrificed himself in his last moments and fixed the

Hidden Leaf village.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Health - Friendship D.L.O

  Hey readers! Today in Health, we learnt about how important friendship is 😁. I really enjoyed this lesson and I found it very important since I think it's very good to have good friends since they can support you a lot mentally 😄. For our activity in Health today, we had to make a D.L.O about our definition for "Friendship" 😊. Personally, I think a friend is a person that can cheer you up and the two of you have a trustworthy bond between each other where you can tell them your secrets 😃. Here is my D.L.O 😇:

Monday, September 20, 2021

Te Reo Maori - Homai Screencastify (Asking for Objects in Maori)

  Hey Readers! Last week, in Te Reo Maori with Miss McLeod, we learnt how to ask for objects in Maori (Homai) 😁. We had to pick a buddy (my buddy was Izeiah) and then we got to write a script for what we were going to say, since we did it on a Screencastify 😌. I found it very fun and I enjoyed learning how to ask for objects and really enjoyed learning another Language 😄. The thing I enjoyed most in this lesson was when me and Izeiah got to choose what objects to ask for in the video recording 😎. Here is my screencastify about Asking for Objects in Maori 😊:

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Writing - Fabulous Flies (To Persuade)

 Hey Readers! In Writing with Miss McLeod this week, our group had to make a persuading piece of writing persuading the reader that flies are fabulous 😌. Most of us weren't very fond of flies so had to do some research about them to see what they could do, and we found out that flies actually play a big part in the environment and food chain 😁. I really enjoyed making this piece of writing because it has taught me many different and amazing traits about flies 😄. Here is my Fabulous Flies to persuade writing 😊:

Fabulous Flies

Have you ever wondered why us flies are useful to our world? Well, in my opinion as a fly, we are very useful. Examples of why we are useful are that we eat aphids and that we pollinate. And we are pretty important in the day to day ecosystem which is the reason why I think that flies are fabulous.
Us flies aren’t the most well-known pollinators, but we are actually better pollinators than bees themselves. Instead of pollinating the flowers and plants that bees pollinate, we pollinate certain plants that the bees don’t. Some plants that we pollinate are: skunk cabbage, voodoo lilies and corpse flowers which give out the smell of rotting which attracts us flies. Since we flies have hairy legs, as we land on the flowers, the pollen sticks to our hairs, and when we fly around, we drop the pollen around as well.
Did you know that flies eat aphids? Aphids are small, pesky bugs that nibble away at your plants, and can kill them. But we flies think that aphids are a delightful treat. In my opinion, eating aphids is very helpful to your garden since we’re saving your flowers & plants, which is a reason why I think we are important in the day to day ecosystem. By eating aphids, we are also saving half of the world’s oxygen source, plants.
Do you know what will happen if you remove us flies from the world? Us flies play a very important role in earth’s food chain and environment, which means if you remove us, the food chain will be disrupted greatly. Firstly, we remove the rotting smells from dead animals and rotting food, which is probably why you see us around bins. Secondly, each species of flies play an important role in the ecosystem and if you remove us, it will cause the extinction of higher species. Thirdly, if there are no flies in the world, you won’t even have oxygen to breathe, because flies eat aphids and aphids eat plants which means you won’t have half of your oxygen source.
For these reasons, I think us flies really do have a purpose and we therefore feel like we are mistreated. We support the whole food-chain, are helpful in the pollinating area, and are helpful in the garden. We think, without a doubt, you should reconsider and keep us around.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Inquiry - Folk Dance Compare and Contrast

 Hey Readers! Today, South Hornby School pupils got to come back to school since it is Level 2 now and we are allowed to go back to school 😁. So, for Inquiry today, we did a Folk Dance Compare and Contrast google drawing since we've been learning about folk dance 😄. We watched 7 different country's folk dance and we chose 2 to compare and contrast 😇. I really enjoyed doing this activity 😌. Here is my Folk Dance Compare and Contrast Google Drawing 😊:

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Lockdown Maths - Algebra 5 (Last Lesson Before Going Back to School!)

  Hi Readers! Today in Miss McLeod's Lockdown Maths, we learnt how to balance equations so they equal the same in our Algebra 5 slides 😁. For example: ☐ + 5 = 14 - ☐ 😇. I found the lesson very fun and not challenging at all since I've done questions like these before 😄. I enjoyed making my own equations on slide four in the Algebra 5 slide 😋. If you notice something I've done wrong, please tell me 😉. Here is my Algebra 5 slides 😊: 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Lockdown Writing - 8th FABO Story Competition (I got 3rd Place!)

  Hello Readers! Last week, in Writing, Miss McLeod's Writing class got to do a FABO Story Competition with Witches & Wizards 😲. If you have ever participated in a FABO Story Competition, you would be able to find a story starter on their FABO Story Blog Spot, these competitions are normally judged by some really cool authors, in the 8th FABO Story Competition (the one I participated in), we were allowed 550 words max 😅. I found the story a bit hard to write since we had a word limit that I wasn't used to, but it's good to do things out of your comfort zone, Right? 😶. I submitted my story on Friday last week, and earlier today, I found out I got 3RD PLACE 😄! If you want to read my writing, here it is (I will also show the story starter) 😇:

Story Starter:

Mark and Maeve skipped along the dark corridors of McMinty Towers, and into the dining hall.

They expected to see their mother sitting at the head of the table. Instead, they found a letter

pinned to the top of a large,

black chest.

My Dear Twins,

First of all, Happy Birthday!

This chest contains two magical things:

1 x Witch-Starter-Kit   &

1 x Wizard- Starter-Kit

Please choose one kit. Choose carefully as you cannot swap your kit once you have chosen.

However, Mark may choose the Witch-Starter-Kit, while Maeve might choose the

Wizard-Starter-Kit. It doesn’t matter.

Please write down each spell you test, and the results. A few words of warning. When

starting out, I advise all young witches and wizards to use their new powers wisely.

Because spells, when not followed correctly can goterribly wrong. Terribly wrong!

Good luck. Good luck, I repeat. You will need it.

Yours in witchcraft

Mother Witch McMinty

Mark shrugged his shoulders. Maeve opened the chest …

My continued Story:

They gasped. Inside were two beautiful wooden boxes with detailed carvings that Mark and

Maeve couldn’t make out. Silently, they stood, wondering which kit they should take.

Maeve looked at the Witch-Starter-kit closely, it had spiral-like markings and in the middle

of its lid was a sapphire shaped like the McMinty crest. Maeve decided to take the

Witch-starter-kit, leaving Mark with the Wizard-starter-kit which he was happy to take. 

‘Do you want to go to the tower’s lab to test these out?,’ Mark asked.

‘Sure! Let’s go,’ Maeve answered optimistically.

The twins packed their kits back into the black chest along with their mother’s letter

and walked up the winding staircases of McMinty tower. Soon, they reach their

destination, the huge double-doors of the tower’s lab. Maeve held the chest as

Mark opened the lab’s heavy doors. They walked into the room and Maeve put the

black chest on a table and they both took their kits out.

‘So, should we open them?,’ Asked Mark while ferociously staring down the kit.

‘Yeah, I-I guess so,’ Maeve said, hesitantly.

Simultaneously, they opened the kits. Maeve looked inside hers, she could see many potions

and objects, but one intrigued her more than the rest. It was a gold, snake-shaped ring with

detailed, hand-carved scales, two dark emeralds as the snake’s eyes and a weird marking on

its forehead, which Maeve didn’t really worry about. She lifted it from the box carefully,

admiring it. Maeve turned to her brother, he was holding a gold watch with a lion’s head,

shaped like it was opening its mouth in mid-roar, and inside the lion's mouth they could see

the watch's clock-face. Mark squinted at his watch.

‘What’s up?,’ Maeve asked, wondering what had caught her brothers attention.

‘I just noticed this weird marking on my watch,’ Mark said, as he showed his sister the

marking that piqued his curiosity.

Maeve looked at the marking. It was the same marking that was on the snake’s forehead

that she hadn’t worried about, but then, both of the markings lit-up. Maeve and Mark’s

eyes widened as their two pieces of jewelry suddenly put themselves onto their owners.

Two blue laser-like lights shot from the jewelry forming a kind of vacuum portal

sucking the twins into it. Out of instinct, Mark grabbed the two kits, stuffed them into

the black chest on top of their mum’s letter, and carried it as the portal pulled them

closer and closer to it. They tried grabbing onto other things so the portal won’t suck

them away, but it did. Inside it was a dark void that seemed to go on forever. 

‘W-w-what’s happening?,’ Maeve asked, scared.

‘I-I don’t know,’ Mark answered. The portal stopped, and the twins landed onto grounds of a

fancy tower. ‘Wait! Where are we?’ He questioned.

A tall woman with fuzzy, grey hair, a stern look and a tall witch hat, like their mother’s,

teleported to them.

‘Hello children! And welcome to ‘the Royal Magic Academy’,’ the Woman announced

grandly . . .